labor visuell
Design is Attitude
Helvetica forever
Stefan Kanchev

Geboren 1977 in Caracas/ Venezuela, arbeitet Niels Schrader heute in Amsterdam. 2003 schloss er mit dem Diplom als Kommunikationsdesigner an der Fachhochschule Düsseldorf ab, und beendete sein Studium mit einem Master-Programm am Sandberg Institute in Amsterdam. Bevor er 2005 sein eigenes Büro gründete, arbeitete Schrader für Uwe Loesch und Irma Boom. Zu seinen Auftraggebern gehören das Graphic Design Museum Breda, die Mondriaan Foundation, die Amsterdam School of the Arts, die Leiden University Academy of Creative and Performing Arts, das Berlage Institute, das Museum De Paviljoens, Episode Publishers und KCAP Architects&Planners. Zur zeit lehrt Niels Schrader an der Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam.
Dutch Design Database

The Dutch Design Database is an exhibition about the growing professionalism of the design profession in the Netherlands currently shown at the Graphic Design Museum Breda. With its almost 17,000 objects, the Dutch Design Database depicts the dynamic development of a creative discipline that has grown in the Netherlands to an economy of significant size in the last 6 decades. It functions as a digital archive and, at the same time, discusses the subject of digital heritage in the field of applied arts. The exhibition allows not only to experience the physical power of data but also to browse and search the project-related information.